
Americaxreader: To Sing a Song

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SpiritStien111's avatar

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You were a quiet girl, and you didn't have many friends. But you were very smart. And the favorite thing you liked to do was sing. You would sing in the shower, in your room, just about everywhere.

Apparently, someone had heard you and through some crazy series of events, you were nominated to sing the national anthem for the United States at the next football game. You were really nervous. You've never sung in-front of anybody before. This would be your first time.

~~~~~Flash forward~~~~~~

It was the night of the football game and just about the whole school was there. The teams had just come onto the field and lined up. You were at the center of the field and 20 people were holding a giant version of the American flag behind you.

"You ready ___________?" asked Arthur, the sports announcer and one of your only friends. You looked at him, your face a little flushed from anticipation and excitement. You nodded. He smiled at you and grabbed the microphone.

"And now everyone, before we kick off. Here's __________ ____________ singing the national anthem." He said into the mic.

You were very glad that no one could see your face, at least not very well. Arthur handed you the mic and you took it hesitantly. Looking down so that you didn't have to see everyone looking at you, you took a deep breath and started to sing.

"OH say can you see, by the dawns early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming?
Whose proud stripes and bright stars, thru the perilous fight,
O'er ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?"


I was so psyched that I got to hold the giant American flag! Plus the fact that I was on the football team, the most American sport besides baseball. Knowing all that, I couldn't wait to hear the national anthem.

It was probably going to be sung by Shonta from the cheerleading squad though. She was always demanding attention. The worst part was that, she couldn't even sing. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard as it was, but when she sang, it was ten times worse. The only reason she was allowed to sing at all was because she paid off the school.

I was preparing to lose my hearing temporarily, when Artie announced some name that wasn't Shonta's. I hadn't caught it, but when she started singing, it was beautiful. It was the sound of an angel. I looked around to see if I could spot her, but I couldn't. When it was over, we folded the flag and the game started. I didn't have any time to look for her.

I'll ask Artie who she was later, after the game.

~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~

The game was over, us winning. Of course.  I went and changed out of my football gear and went to find Artie.

"Artie!! Hey Artie!" I yelled as I spotted him.

"Don't bloody call me that, you git!" he said to me when I reached him.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey! What was the name of the girl who sang tonight? The national anthem?" I asked him. He thought for a second, and then turned to me.

"Why the bloody hell should I tell you?" he asked me. I think he's angry with me.

"Because! I'm your bestest friend. And I really want to find out who she is." I said, trying to be convincing. I really didn't need to though, because I did want to find out who she was. For the oddest reason, he voice drew me to her, like a moth to a flame. Heh, I'm smarter than I look.

"You've got practically every girl at school coming after you.  Why don't you just pick one of them to bother? They'd like the attention." He said to me. What was his problem? All I wanted was a name.

"Dude, what's your problem? Why won't you tell me her name?" I asked him.

"Because I personally know this girl and I know that I'd be doing her a favor not telling you. She's one of the only girls in this school who's not fantasizing about you 24/7." He told me and stormed off. Yeah, he was defiantly mad at me.  

I asked everyone at the game to see if anyone remembered her name. Everyone that I asked said no. That was just plain unhelpful. How could they forget a name so quickly after such an amazing performance.

Who was this mystery girl?


After singing, you handed the mic back to Arthur and left the field. You went up to the rooftop of the school and watched the game from there. Not many people knew that the rooftop is the best way to see the game. So you had it all to yourself.  Lucky you.

As the game went on, you started to hum to myself. Just a little tune that you made up unconsciously. The game was boring to you, you didn't really like sports. You only went because you would know what people were talking about the next day when they were talking about the game.  

You decided to plug in your I-Pod and sing. Since there wasn't going to be anyone around, you were safe to sing you heart out. And no one could hear you over Arthur announcing everything.  

You got lost in the music and didn't notice the game end and everyone leave.


I had asked every person I could about the girl who sang and nothing. Everybody had left and gone home except for me. I zipped up my coat and walked by the school to get to my car and go home.

That's when I heard it.


I looked around, but couldn't see anyone.

Where was it coming from? Listening close, I could tell it was the girl from earlier. The voice was so sweet and melodic.

I tried to follow it, but I couldn't fond anyone. GAAAAHHH!!!! This is going to drive me crazy. I've looked everywhere except . . . the rooftop!

I sprinted as fast as I could to the roof and opened the door. Looking around, I spotted her. She was sitting down with her back to the field. It was too dark to see much more than her silhouette. But her singing was amazing.


One of your favorite songs had come up. "Dream" by Priscilla Ahn. You sang your heart out.

I was a little girl, alone in my little world,
Who dreamed of a little home for me?
I played pretend between the trees,
And fed my house guests bark and leaves,
And laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream,
That I could fly, from the highest swing,
I had a dream.

Long walks in the dark,
through woods grown behind the park,
I asked god who I'm supposed to be?
The stars smiled down at me,
Got answered in silent revelry,
I said a prayer and fell to sleep.

I had a dream.
That I could fly from the highest tree.
I had a dream.

Wooooo oooo ooooo

Wooo oooooo ooooo

Wooo ooo ooooooo

Wooooo ooooo oooooo

Woooooo oooooo oooo

Now I'm old and feelin' gray,
I don't know what's left to say
About this life I'm willing to leave.
I lived it full and I lived it well.
As many tales I live to tell
I'm ready now, I'm ready now
I'm ready now,
To fly form the highest wing,
I had a dream.

When you finished, you were a little out of breathe from singing and decided it was time to go home. You put your I-Pod away and stood up.

"You have a beautiful voice." A voice said.

"Ahhhh!!" you screamed, not noticing another person being there. You were so scared that you fell over.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!!" he said. (You guessed it was a guys)

"W-who a-are you?" you asked, still scared.

"I'm Alfred, Alfred Jones! The hero of the football team and entire school!" he said in a happy voice. You sighed. Now you knew who he was.

"W-what are you doing here?" you asked, feeling less scared.

"I heard you singing. I've been looking for you! When you sang the national anthem, it was, like, awesome! I wanted to talk to you. Maybe get you're number?" he asked you. You were shocked. You didn't want to talk to him. He was a jock. All the girls at school dreamed about being with him.

Him talking with you would only cause problems for you. As for giving him your number, out of the question.

"Trust me, you don't want that. I'm sorry, but I have to go." You said and slid passed him, rushing to the door.

"Wait! Can I at least get your name?" He asked. You didn't even stop to answer him. You race down the stairs and to the parking lot. You didn't dare look back. You didn't want to know if he followed you or not.

~~~~~Le time Skip~~~~~~

Big sports games were held on Friday nights, so you had the weekend to yourself. Your mom was called into work and you were left alone. (Your dad passed away 3 years ago)

You decided to go to the park and walk around a little bit. After a bit, you saw someone who looked familiar. When they turned around, you were positive. It was Arthur; you would recognize those eyebrows anywhere.

"Arthur!" You said and wave to get him attention. He looked towards you and smiled.

"Hello _________. What a pleasure seeing you here. Would you care to join me for a walk love?" he asked as you came up to him. You loved his British accent and how he called almost anyone he talked to 'love'.

"I'd love to." You said and walked beside him. You talked about random things, the football game, teachers, celebrities. Eventually you two sat down on a park bench. You were about to tell him about your opinion of Justin Beiber, when the person you wanted to see the least interrupted you.


"ARTIE!!" he yelled as he raced towards you.

"Bloody hell," you heard Arthur whisper under his breath.

"Artie! Please tell me! I'm desperate here man!" he said, getting down on his knees and begging. "I met her last night! I was so close to finding out how she was! But then she ran away. Please tell me!"

"Go away you git, can't you see I'm with someone? How rude." Arthur said to him and pointed at you. He then gave you a look as if to say 'sorry, but you've been dragged into this too'.

"Huh? I don't see anyone. Artie, is it one of your fairytale friends again? You really shouldn't talk to yourself in public, people will think you're crazy." Alfred answered, looking around and right through you. He didn't even see you.

That's how unnoticeable you are.

This morning, you were seriously thinking about telling him that it was you on the roof and repairing for the awkwardness of it when he found out and changed his mind. But you weren't even noticed. This was worse.

You stood up and ran off. You ran to the deepest part of the park where you accidentally tripped over a tree root. You sprawled over the ground and just stayed there. That's where you started crying.

Why were you crying?!?!

Why did it matter that Alfred couldn't see you? You shouldn't be crying. You don't care about him. Do you?

"_________. ____________? _____________?!" you heard someone calling you.

You didn't want to be found, so you quickly got up and hid in some bushes. Luckily they didn't have any thorns or were poisonous.

"____________!!!!" Arthur came into sight, followed by Alfred. Why did he follow Arthur?

"You . . . bloody wanker!" Arthur panted out. He wasn't used to all this running. "Get the hell out of here!" Arthur yelled at Alfred.

"Why?" Alfred asked.

"Because _________ doesn't want to see you! Why the hell would she?! You didn't even see her, after looking right at her!!! Why do you think she ran away?!" he yelled at Alfred. Alfred looked confused, and the tiniest bit guilty. He started to walk away and Arthur started calling you name again. Only when you thought Alfred was out of hearing range did you emerge from the bushes.

"__________! There you are! Oh love, I'm so sorry for the way that bloody git acted. Come here." He said to you. He spread out his arms and came to you, enveloping you in a hug. You sniffed a little and leaned into him a little. He patted your back and rubbed small circles on it to calm you down.

When he let go of you, you stepped away and sniffed again. Arthur took out his handkerchief and handed it to you. You blew your nose and thanked him.

"Keep it. I have dozens more at home, you can keep this one." He said to you when you tried to offer it back to him.

You started walking back to the bench you had been sitting on before and re-start the conversation. But when you got there, Alfred was sitting on the bench.

"Oh hey, you found her!" he said standing up. You hid a little behind Arthur and grabbed his sleeve.  "Awwww come on, I'm sorry. You're just like my brother Matthew! Sometimes I can't see him either." He said with a goofy grin on his face. He came up to you and looked at you closely. "Hey, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. Hey! How about I take you out on a date!? It'll be fun, whatdya say?" he asked you.

"N-no thank you." You said in a quiet voice. He looked shocked. Just about every girl in school would do anything for what he was offering. And you said no?

Lost in his confusion, Alfred didn't notice that Arthur and you had left. When he looked around to find you, he saw you at the entrance to the park. He dashed over to you two, but forgot to stop. He couldn't stop!! And he was coming right at you.

"Ahhhhhh!!" he yelled. You whirled around and were plowed over by said boy. Luckily, you landed on grass, but with a certain football star on top of you.

When you opened your ______ eyes, you stared right into sky blue ones. Looking down, you saw that was on top of you, straddling you waist, his hands on either side of your head. You could feel your face blushing.


I had crashed right into this _________ chick. This wasn't the best way to apologize to a girl. Looking down, I saw that I was on top of her, looking at her face, I saw that she had really pretty ________ eyes. Screw that, her whole face was pretty hot. Pulling back, I saw that she was blushing. I looked more closely at our position, and blushed a little too.

"Sorry dude! I couldn't stop! I didn't mean to, ya know." I said, a little embarrassed. I got up and held out a hand to help her. She took it and I hoisted her up. She was lighter than I had expected and I accidently tossed her up in the air.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" she screamed, she flailed a little when she came down. Damn it!


He had tossed you in the air. About ten feet! What is with this guy and making you feel unsafe?! You screamed, and readied yourself for impact with the ground. But it never came; instead you felt two strong arms catch you. Opening your eyes, which had been tightly shut, you saw that it was Alfred that had caught you. You stared up into his eyes for a moment before looking away.

"C-can you put me down?" you asked. He realized that he was staring and set you down. Arthur came over to you fretted over you, asking if you were okay, multiple times. You assured him that you were and that you just wanted to go home. He sighed.

"Alright love. I'll walk you home. And you! Stay away from _________! You'll end up killing her at this rate." He said to Alfred before walking away with you to your house.

As you walked, you felt sad for leaving the jock behind.

Am I falling for him? No, I can't. I can't.
I do not own this picture! Not mine! I take no credit for it!!

If anyone knows how to underline and make italics, please oh please tell me! I don't have the slightest clue. There are so many things that I need to fix when I'm done.

OH, and if there are any Shonta's that read this, I totally don't think you're bitchy! I was just the first name that popped into my head. I'm totally not trying to harsh your mellow.

Hope you enjoy!

Be sure to comment.

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© 2012 - 2024 SpiritStien111
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EvilGlasses666's avatar
England's the announcer for an American football match... :iconlol-faceplz: